2 small orange wedges
A little finely grated dark chocolate or a mixture of equal quantities cocoa powder and confectioners' sugar
2 fl. oz. vodka
1 oz. dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids
1 fl. oz heavy cream
Ice cubes
Rub the rim of a well-chilled martini glass with one of the orange wedges. Dip it in the grated chocolate or cocoa powder and confectioners' sugar mixture. Chill the glass and the vodka bottle thoroughly. Put 1 oz. dark chocolate in a small bowl with the cream and microwave on low power until melted. Stir until smooth. Pour the vodka and melted chocolate mix into a cocktail shaker, add plenty of ice cubes, and shake well. Strain into the chocolate-rimmed glass and serve decorated with the second orange wedge.
Recipe from 500 Cocktails by Wendy Sweetser. I had my first chocolate martini last night and absolutely had to recreate it!! This recipe qualifies as a dining hall friendly because all of the necessary ingredients (except the vodka, of course) can be found at your local cafeteria of choice. I used a mixture of melted dark chocolate (with half-and-half) and chocolate syrup with the vodka and rimmed the glass with chocolate syrup and dark chocolate shavings. Best hint: make too much...and then drink the leftovers!