Hello all! I know I've basically dropped off the face of the earth since September, but here I am again! Still super busy (junior year blahs), but I am cooking again. I came back this semester with a crock pot (or slow cooker) and I'm experimenting with dining hall scraps and other fun concoctions. So far I've made a lot of rice, steamed dumplings and buns, chicken soup, something akin to glutinous rice gruel, sushi, and apple cider using my crock pot. I'm sitting in Angela's room right now and her roommates are getting ready for a party and making chili in their crock pot. Theirs is a normal size; mine is only 1.5 quarts- which is perfect for one person and a few friends.
I hope that I'll be able to write some notes here about what fun stuff I'm making; time is a precious commodity these days. Until then, I leave a link to an NPR story talking about something I happen to be very passionate about:
Pollan: Cut the nutri-hype. Eat real food.
Read it if you want, but listen to the story (top) and the interview (mid-way through), they provide much more detail.
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